Welcome to 2D Quantum Materials Convergence Technology Laboratory! |
Highlights |
The 2D Quantum Materials Convergence Technology Laboratory, headed by Professor Loh Kian Ping, is a focal point for talented people to perform R&D on 2D Quantum materials. |
Ibrahim Abdelwahab, Kian Ping Loh* et al, Science, 385, 6706, 311-317 (2024) The research of Dr. Ibrahim Abdelwahab is published in Science.
Hwa Seob Choi, Kian Ping Loh* et al, Science, 384, 6691, 60-66 (2024) The research of Dr. Choi Hwa Seob is published in Science.
Kai Leng, Kian Ping Loh* et al, Trends in Chemistry, 3, 9, 716 (2021) KP Loh and team have written a review article on "ferroelectricity and Rashba effect on 2D hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites". This is one of the key research thrusts of the Singapore and Hong Kong research teams.
Xing Li, Kian Ping Loh* et al, Nature Chemistry, 12, 1115 (2020) Our work on COF makes it to Nature Chemistry Cover.
Xiaoxu Zhao, Kian Ping Loh* et al, Nature, 581, 171–177 (2020) The research of Dr. Zhao Xiaoxu is published in Nature.
Peng Song, Kian Ping Loh* et al, Nature Materials, 19, 292–298 (2020) The research of Dr. Song Peng is published in Nature Materials. ![]() |
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News | Job Vacancies |
1. Position available for STM/MBE postdoc familiar with RHK STM system 2. 新加坡国立大学-厦门大学膜与能源新材料课题组招聘3~5名博士后 3. International Postdoctoral Fellowship Available 4. 深圳大学-浙江大学-新加坡国立大学联合课题组招聘博士后