Welcome to 2D Quantum Materials Convergence Technology Laboratory!




The 2D Quantum Materials Convergence Technology Laboratory, headed by Professor Loh Kian Ping, is a focal point for talented people to perform R&D on 2D Quantum materials.

We develop wafer scale diamond and 2-D quantum materials for semiconductor lithography, spintronics and memory applications. We also investigate large scale processing technologies for porous membranes for environmental applications and energy conversion.

In terms of manpower training by Prof Loh: Three professors have been cultivated locally in national universities like NUS and NTU from this laboratory (PhD graduates), and more than 15 National Youth Talent Level Professors groomed in China, Hong Kong, Korea, and Australia. We form partnerships with major industries internationally to explore this stimulating field.


Ibrahim Abdelwahab, Kian Ping Loh* et al, Science, 385, 6706, 311-317 (2024)

The research of Dr. Ibrahim Abdelwahab is published in Science.


Hwa Seob Choi, Kian Ping Loh* et al, Science, 384, 6691, 60-66 (2024)

The research of Dr. Choi Hwa Seob is published in Science.


Kai Leng, Kian Ping Loh* et al, Trends in Chemistry, 3, 9, 716 (2021)

KP Loh and team have written a review article on "ferroelectricity and Rashba effect on 2D hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites". This is one of the key research thrusts of the Singapore and Hong Kong research teams.



Xing Li, Kian Ping Loh* et al, Nature Chemistry, 12, 1115 (2020)

Our work on COF makes it to Nature Chemistry Cover.


Xiaoxu Zhao, Kian Ping Loh* et al, Nature, 581, 171–177 (2020)

The research of Dr. Zhao Xiaoxu is published in Nature.

MRS bulletin highlights our Nature work.


Peng Song, Kian Ping Loh* et al, Nature Materials, 19, 292–298 (2020)

The research of Dr. Song Peng is published in Nature Materials.

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Job Vacancies

Prof Loh Kian Ping gaves keynote lecture in America Chemical Society Forum in Nanomaterials for Energy and Life Science in Yonsei University and also Seoul National University.

1. Position available for STM/MBE postdoc familiar with RHK STM system
Invitation is for a postdoctoral fellow that has working experience and track record with RHK Panscan freedom Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and its operation.
And ability to operate UHV MBE connected to such an STM, with experience in 2D quantum material.

2. 新加坡国立大学-厦门大学膜与能源新材料课题组招聘3~5名博士后

3. International Postdoctoral Fellowship Available

4. 深圳大学-浙江大学-新加坡国立大学联合课题组招聘博士后


Please send your CV to chmlohkp@nus.edu.sg for more details and job application review process.